In "Matinee," Joe Fowler, played by John Goodman, comes to a small town in Florida to present his new horror movie, which promises the audience a real show using the latest special effects and stunts. In the midst of the Caribbean crisis, when tensions are at their peak, Fowler offers the audience not only a movie, but an entire performance with fake monsters, pyrotechnic effects and many surprises.
The young hero, played by Gerard McRae, faces the first temptations and complexities of teenage life, while exploring the magic of filmmaking and finding support and true friendship in this unusual show. The film "Matinee" is a colorful retrospective on a time when cinema was not just entertainment, but a true art form capable of influencing people's hearts and souls.
Combining elements of comedy and drama, "Matineh" gives the audience a unique experience, bringing us back to the golden age of cinema and reminding us how art could change the world around us.