But I wish more people knew about this movie. 2023 is a great year for action, and if they finally introduce an Academy Award nomination for stuntmen too, it's a revolutionary year. But 'John Wick 4' and 'Tyler Rake 2' are still blockbusters, yes, rated R, but pretty mild - but Farang is an ultra-brutal movie for all the fans of 'Avengers' with Scott Adkins, 'The Raid' and 'The Night Is Coming For Us'.
Honestly I warn you - the action here is about 15 minutes in total, but what kind of action! The scene in the elevator is especially forcing on the same Letterboxd - and quite deservedly! For once we are shown that the fight even with 4 opponents is not an easy walk, and the main character is not a superman. If you, like me, were bored to watch how mechanically, though filigree Chris Hemsforth and Keanu Reeves shoot into vulnerable places of heavily armed opponents for 2 hours, and long wanted something 'meaty', about the crunch of bones, with a wild level of violence - 'Mayhem!' is your choice!
I want to believe that Xavier Jeans will continue to please us with the same quality genre movies, and of course, we are waiting for Havoc with Tom Hardy, which is rumored to outdo even 'The Raid 2' in ambition and madness!