Frank Capra made a very kind and touching movie. Maybe naive in some ways, which, however, can be said about other films by this famous director. But this is more of a plus than a minus.
The movie looks easy, as they say, in one breath, but at the same time, strangely enough, makes you think. At first Mr. Deeds is considered abnormal because of his actions: he feeds a horse with doughnuts for an hour, thus blocking the traffic on the road, walks around the city in his underwear, fights with famous writers who decided to laugh at him (it turns out that not all famous people are great). But that's not all. Oh the horror! It comes to the point where he decides to give away all his money to the needy. How can you not really question his capacity? While watching it, I remembered 'The Millionaire Willy-nilly' with Adam Sandler, which is probably a remake of this wonderful picture. It's the same story. Times change, but the people stay the same.
'Mr. Deeds Goes to Town' brought the director another well-deserved Oscar, and was also awarded a special medal at the Venice Film Festival. With this film Frank Capra secures his status as one of the best directors of the pre-war era of Hollywood.