A chain of mysterious murders takes place in Japan. Each victim has a huge letter X carved into his neck. The killers are found and are unrelated to each other, as are the victims. They are ordinary law-abiding people who have suddenly committed murder. It's a mystery. And it's up to Detective Takabe to solve it....
At the same time, there's a strange guy wandering around Japan. He can't remember anything, not even his name. Good people are trying to help him. But anyone he talks to, after a while, picks up a gun and kills the man. And carves the letter X into his neck...
Despite the problems in his personal life, namely a sick wife, who is periodically forgotten and can get lost even in a familiar neighborhood, Takabe is a very good detective. And he, with the help of his familiar psychiatrist Sakuma, goes on the trail. The capture of the guy and further investigation leads him to some kind of action or ritual, tied to hypnosis and mysticism. A ritual that lives by its own laws. A ritual that is useless to fight against, because people are mortal, but he will live forever.
Kiyoshi Kurosawa created a simply amazing philosophical mystery about the worthlessness of human endeavors in comparison with certain processes taking place in the world - and this is only one of the meanings of the movie. A wildly atmospheric and multifaceted movie. Raising many themes and leaving behind questions.