A tale based on true events about former U.S. government agent Tim Ballard, who resigned from the service to devote his life to saving children from sex slavery.
“Sound of Freedom” is first and foremost a message, and then a story. The idea of the film is to draw attention and open eyes to the horrors of child sex trafficking. And the movie does this by showing nauseating and heartbreaking episodes with children (although the details are left out) in danger, being fooled by vile adults, making us memorize the faces of each one. Such episodes were deliberately inserted into the picture to produce a greater effect, to evoke strong emotions, nailing what we have seen into our memory - revealing the problem, which for some reason is often kept silent or considered indecent to mention out loud.
Turning to the artistic part of the film, we get a disturbing thriller, where at the center of the plot is a government agent almost single-handedly trying to restore justice and return the children to their parents. And although Tim looks somewhat shambolic and overly heroic protagonist, he presents a deeply thoughtful and often painful look at the life of a man working to destroy the fastest growing crime syndicate in the world.
As a result, the film loudly beats the drum with a powerful message to society, shedding light on the darkness, evoking strong emotions and instilling hope.