The musical comedy created by Jason Moore in 2012 was the first episode of a trilogy. The main audience of the film is teenagers, who will be admiringly watching the student rivalry. A fierce competition will take place between two student music groups. Ambitious girls who perform songs without music will compete with the student boy band. It will be very difficult for girls to win this music challenge. Because the boy band has been a multiple winner of this competition for the past few years. The main protagonist of the film is Beca, the girl who should become the person who will unite the girl's music team. Anna Kendrick has brilliantly portrayed her character. Dedicated Beca has become an example for teenagers around the world. Especially young girls gave the main character of this film the status of their idol. Commendable reviews by critics and high box office receipts only confirm the positive teenage opinion about Pitch Perfect 4k dvd. Enjoy a musical battle between girls and boys!