The drama film was based on a real story that took place in 2008. Pawo 4k hdr shows the independence movement in Tibet. The main character in the movie is a young guy who is obsessed with wanting freedom for himself and his nation. A popular uprising against the Chinese occupation has drawn the world's attention to this situation. The indigenous people of Tibet have taken to the streets. Rebels began to destroy Chinese shops and burn cars. The insurgents showed the Chinese authorities that they considered them occupiers and did not want to see them on their land. The Chinese troops came to Tibet to suppress the mutiny. The rebellion was stopped. The organizers of the mutiny were severely punished. They were sentenced to death and life in prison. All motivation, horror and pain of those days spectators will see through experiences of the main character. The suffering touched not only him, but his family, friends and all the proud Tibetan people. It's better to die standing than live on your knees!