Nothing new in the Dc universe. Another prophecy and another renovation of Gotham. Another alternate story is before us, in which Bruce and his henchmen prepare to save Gotham from harm once again. After twenty years of separation from the city he must return there, for on an expedition he learns from Cobblepot's associates, infected with a deadly virus, that another Armageddon is coming, a confirmation of which he finds in Cobblepot's diaries. It's still the same story we've been told over and over again for years, changing only the setting and shuffling the character decks.
Once again, I don't think it's worth picking on the secondary nature of comic book storytelling, of which there is now an overabundance. The cartoon has nice animation, and it looks like another funny investigation and Batman's pursuit of an ancient scripture. Fans should like it, because it is another meeting of familiar heroes and antagonists, especially since Isley, Barbara and Queen appear in an unusual light. At any rate, I enjoyed this time travel much more than I did in Gaslight.