Nestled in a valley in the middle of the mountains is the fairy-tale town of Cotville, populated by equally fairy-tale inhabitants, whose favorite holiday is, of course, Christmas! And only the Grinch, who lives in a cave in a nearby mountain, hates Him. He is angry, grouchy and lonely, with only his faithful dog Max to keep him company. There may be many reasons for this aloofness and hatred, but the most likely one is that the Grinch has a heart half the size of a normal one. And all would be nothing, but the Grinch has a terrible idea in his green head - to prevent Christmas from coming....
Yes, yes, this is the same cartoon, which was watched by Kevin McCallister in many people's favorite 'Home Alone'. A pleasant and kind short film, not lacking in morals: Christmas is a holiday that consists not of trees, gifts, toys and other tinsel, but of something more, capable of uniting people, giving warmth to hearts. And even those who have the smallest and callous heart, Christmas can awaken human feelings, because it is the Most Kind and Brightest Holiday!