An interesting and comedic cartoon that brings viewing pleasure to both young and adult viewers, "Despicable Me 2" in 4K Ultra HD will show how the life of the main character changed after he left three little girls at home in order to replace his father and raise with good character traits. Grew has long ceased to be a bad guy, as he realized that for his little girls this is a bad example. BUT his whole calm life changes when a young girl comes into the house and picks him up in a secret base for an interview with the head of the anti-villain corporation by shocking him. After the conversation, Gru realizes that he will have to save this World with his partner. The couple begins an investigation as a result of which they eat to find a powerful villain. It is not noticeable for himself that Grew understands that he is falling in love with a young girl and his essence is changing. The guys find the villain and destroy his insidious plans, and the girl stays with the promising Gru and little girls who have long wanted to get their mother.