With such words begins the new 'Batman' from director Matt Reeves. With such, a slightly anxious expectant dread, this almost 3 hours of visual splendor began.
I, like many, began this unfair comparison to Christopher Nolan's trilogy too early. I noticed some fresher finds, picked out similar dialogues with Alfred, smirked at the setting of Wayne Mansion. But none of that mattered at all, as it turned out after the session.
It turns out that Reeves has managed to create a near-perfect thriller on a fertile comic book basis. His villains are truly frightening (Paul Dano, my respect), and that oppressive atmosphere endlessly squeezes a still young and twitchy Bruce Wayne in a steel vice. And he can't cope. He punches, he freaks out, he learns, he punches again. This is the toughest Batman we've ever seen, and this toughness grows out of inexperience, powerlessness in the face of circumstances. There's no ever-right Alfred around here, and no sharp morals yet. But that makes everything seem much stronger, more natural.
And that sound by Michael Giacchino is pure pleasure, 10 out of 10 for musical consistency with the picture.
If I were to point out the personalities: the dark knight from Pattinson is very likeable. It's not at all the ruggedized hero we've seen him be before, but he's already becoming a fearsome Gotham legend. Angular, taciturn, still fierce - we want to see him in the upcoming sequels. Selina Kyle is certainly the most charming lady, the trailers have clearly understated her character, skills, and feelings. A beautiful young catwoman.
Paul Dano is the supporting star of this picture. A true maniac, he managed to scare not only the viewer, but also Batman himself more than once. I applaud and again.
As for the rest - nobody got off, except that Falcone looked rather cartoonish, but when hasn't that happened even in the great films?
Fear proved superfluous. This Batman turned out to be a chic ode to David Fincher, diluted with so many other hitherto beloved universe heroes. The camerawork looks fantastic, it's really beautiful, it's stylish, it's scripted perfectly.