It's not my fault, but I like everything in Kar Wai. When you want to come back to a work of art, when after the last frame you realize that you will happily watch it a hundred times more, and you will feel the same feelings at the last words of the characters, then it is truly a work of art.
It has to be seen. To see it, enjoying all the little things, the goldfish, the planes in the sky and out the windows, the dangling legs of the heroine, so going for the face of the handsome and talented Tony Leung-Chu Wai police uniform.
I would have cut the first part significantly, but Kar Wai has so skillfully combined the seemingly incompatible that by the finale you forget about that first story - and that's yet another reason to return to the film again. And I repeat: after the last words of the characters, after such a declaration of love, only an indifferent person would not want to watch "The Chungking Express" again.
Who else could show such a budding love! Just admire the way she pestered him - the occasional basket bump, a treat casually, even jealous. And how with a magnifying glass looking for a woman's hair on his bed - the top of the wit...
I wouldn't exaggerate if I called this one of the best love movies. If you've broken up with someone, if you've met someone, go for The Chungking Express. Legend has it that while watching this picture, Tarantino cried - from the realization that he could not make such a film. The beautiful legend is similarly true in its second part. And not just about Tarantino. No greater romantic has grown on Earth than Wong Kar Wai.
Kar Wai is style, it's elegance, music (this time "California Dreaming"), women's shoes on the sidewalk again, cigarette smoke, diners, calendars, rain and, it seems, one of our greatest contemporaries. The one that makes me personally remember that love is, was, and most importantly, will be.