The difference between this film and the previous two parts is immediately apparent. The film became more like a Hollywood project, there was a lot of shooting and explosions, there was an incredible amount of crackling, and the picture is still different, words can't explain it, you have to see it. It seems to me that the reason is the absence of Jackie Chan in the director's chair and the 90s, when Hollywood movies were at their popularity peak.
In the story, Chan's character infiltrates a criminal gang, helping the gang leader to escape from prison. Only now the Chinese police are cooperating with Interpol, so the partners with Chan is an enchanting captain, in the person of actress Michelle Yeoh, who was not just a decoration of the film, but also in the fight scenes were not inferior to the men. Yes, there is a lot of shooting, but there are also enough fights which were filmed in the best traditions of 'Police Story', only I missed some villain who would have given a decent, technical fight to Chan, otherwise they were taken by the crowd and impudently. In this part, unlike the second, there is a resurgence of humor, consisting mostly of Jackie Chan's amusing antics, and any dramatization is practically gone altogether. The stunts were also giddy and dangerous, and sometimes it seemed that this time there was something computer-generated or simplified, but it was a mistake, in the end of the movie, they showed footage from the shooting again and I got convinced that everything was true, I had no doubts about Jackie, but when Michelle on a motorcycle jumps on a train at high speed, which wasn't standing still too, I doubted if there were no stuntmen involved, and for nothing, she did it all by herself, a very brave girl, like Jackie Chan in a skirt. Scenes on a train from which Chan almost fell down, flights on a rope ladder at a considerable height, all these scenes make you shiver when you realize the danger the actors were exposed to and you remember with a smile how easy and playful it looked in the movie and you understand that they do not eat their bread for nothing.
I'll be frank, I liked this part less than the previous ones, I lacked the oriental atmosphere, bright villains, and the stunts were less in this part, but still, as before, I was more than satisfied, so I will strongly recommend the film to Jackie Chan fans and fans of easy action movies.