I've wanted to see something of Rollen for a long time - he's the kind of director worth seeing for the fun of it. To a certain extent, Rollen's equivalents are Russ Meyer and Jes Franco, people who, like Rollen, wanted to make a very different impression than they did. Whereas, for example, the early Waters deliberately staged stupid thrash to offend one audience and thus attract another, the aforementioned directors wanted to do something serious and stylish, but it almost always turned out stupid because two things let them down: a lack of directorial talent (the desire to make films is not enough) and sexual preoccupation.
When you really want to shoot naked women, but you don't want to admit it, you have to adjust the script, etc., and the film turns from just stupid to idiotic. In addition, Rollen managed to confuse the most primitive plot with some theoretical kabbalism so that he confused himself. Some actors overplay, others underplay, others do not play at all, the cameraman periodically lives his life and everything that happens gives rise to healthy laughter. The movie can be called extremely ridiculous, but it is hard to recommend it to fans of thrash: it lacks some of that very thrashiness. And for a funny reason: Rollen is French and, funnily enough, he has the beginnings of style. Those rudiments ruin the film: instead of making an honest, healthy thrashy buffoonery, Rollin makes everything prettier for some reason, and the effect is just absurd. Decide for yourself.