Another work in Eastwood - how can you miss it, and even more, if the actor in it plays not a ‘cowboy’ at all, but a playboy - a DJ, and for the whole film does not shoot anyone, except with his eyes. However, as it turned out, the thriller is not based on the plot at all, but on the excellent acting. The scene where Evelyn screams is heart-wrenching!
The fight between Bird and Evelyn is shot in first person - maybe 70's thrillers were full of this, but I haven't seen them, so I say to the cameraman: it was something! However, the central love scene is also delightful in composition and direction, as it was for those years plus is accompanied by a great title scene.
But there is no composer's soundtrack in the film; all we will hear is a few songs on the radio, and a few just for fun - most of the film takes place in silence, but not ‘dead’ - all the time we admire the excellent dialogues, and the great performance of the actors, so the fact that there is no musical accompaniment is not very upsetting.
Lastly, I would like to mention that I was very surprised to learn that this was Clint Eastwood's debut work as a director. Firstly, I'd like to commend his choice to start - not an action film, but a thriller. And secondly - just to praise for the work done, which, I think, showed then to everyone what the future Oscar-winning director is capable of.