The fourth film from the Transformers: Age Of Extinction series in 4K will show a new story about the main robot Optimus Prime. The war was over, all people thought so, and realizing that after the last battle in Chicago many people died, there was a huge amount of destruction and people were negatively inclined towards transformers. Then mankind rejected transformers, information about the negative attitude of man and robot was transmitted to desipticons, who were ready to attack again. A simple farmer, Cade is ready to do everything to just pay for the education of his daughter Kesi and buys an old truck, so that after a major overhaul, he can sell it and make a lot of money. During the repair, he realizes that this is not just a rusty truck, but Optimus Prime itself. When the hero decides to turn it on, then the signal is intercepted by agents ready to destroy Optimus and all who help him. Clade understands that the earth was again attacked and is ready to help his new friend so that he destroys the Desipticons forever. Optimus again takes the fight and protects the earth from the Desipticons and their malice.