The colorful and engaging film "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" in 4K UHD tells the story of a huge New York city that was captivated by horror and fear. Once upon a time, people in this city went about their business, went to work, raised children and walked in parks, but with the arrival of the powerful Schroeder from the third dimension, everything changed. Schroeder wants to conquer the entire planet, but will begin to do this in New York. He was able to subjugate the police and influential officials, and the army does not want to sacrifice his people because he understands the result of this battle. Then in the city appear brave warriors who are not people, but love the calm and the people themselves. People have long ceased to take to the streets of this city as fear and hatred awaited them there, and young and experienced warriors defend them. April's young reporter is ready to help the guys and they start a battle to send Schroeder back to their dimension. After a long confrontation, they manage to defeat the enemy and gain recognition in their beloved city.