You can ask for a long time about whether the film is like a game or not, whether it is good to make films about zombies or not, and about the relevance of Milla Jovovich here.
The only thing that matters in my opinion is that, first of all, in terms of concept, it is a horror movie. And as a horror movie it's perfect: tough, dark and with a bad ending. From this point of view, Resident Evil is worthy to lie in the chamber of weights and measures.
Mila Jovovich, as a hunter for evil spirits, is also ideal, beautiful, cruel, ruthless and beautiful (this should be a real savior of the world, and not a snotty hysterical Lilu).
Action theater: if someone is sure that a zombie really belongs in hammocks and hawikers somewhere in a resort, and not in an underground chemical laboratory, let the first one throw a stone at me. The bridges are dull, ugly and bloodthirsty as it should be.
Putting it all together, throwing in Anderson's excellent direction, and a real HORROR FILM ... unforgettable and gorgeous. And I can tell the dissatisfied if you like the game better - please play the game.