"Strange World," directed by Don Hall and Ki Nguyen, tells the story of the legendary Clade family of explorers who travel through uncharted and dangerous lands. When one of the country's main sources of energy and life is threatened, the Clade Seeker gathers a team of enthusiasts to delve into the bowels of the earth, determine the source of the threat and save everyone. Without even realizing that very soon they will find themselves in a fantasy world inhabited by amazing creatures.
The naked eye can see that when creating this film, the authors were inspired by the good old fantasy and adventure movies about heroes who travel to unknown worlds and encounter amazing creatures, which time and again were shown on TV and mostly in black and white format. In terms of history, "Strange World" absorbed all the best from these stories and, contrary to the critics' opinion, the story cannot be called secondary and uninteresting in any way. Certainly, in some places the story sags and the excessive emphasis on the unconventional orientation of the main character's son is repulsive. But otherwise, we have a really interesting and fascinating story with a more than adequately demonstrated theme of conflict between fathers and children.
"Strange World" became one of the loudest failures of the last year, but after watching the picture, you feel only bewilderment as to the merit of these very laurels. In my opinion, the directorial duo of Don Hall and Ki Nguyen have created quite a dynamic and fascinating film that is fully infused with the spirit of good old-fashioned Sci-Fi and Adventure films. Including, eagerly pleasing quality and colorful animation, which only enhances the effect of the above.
Separately, I would like to mention the excellent cast, who gave their best on the screen and it is worth admitting that the Russian dubbing kills at least half of the impression of the characters.