Another animated story about the legendary superhero. The cult comic book character in the mask of a bat will again confront his eternal antagonist. A violent criminal in the guise of a clown is going to hurt Gotham and its inhabitants. The Joker escaped from a mental institution and came up with a new insidious plan. The villain owns an old amusement park. But he's not going to make this place a paradise for all children. The Joker intends to make the amusement park a museum of pain and cruelty. James Gordon will play a major role in this event. The villain kidnapped the commissioner and brought him to his terrifying park. Batman is closely following the situation in the city and notices suspicious activity in the amusement park. A superhero makes a visit to that mysterious park to finish off the main villain of Gotham forever... Batman: The Killing Joke 4K UHD is created in a grim detective style. The cartoon is a bigger thriller with more puzzles than straightforward action. The director of this project is Sam Liu, who specializes in superhero cartoons.
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