'Sympathy for Lady Revenge' is the third and final film in Park Chang-wok's 'Revenge trilogy'. The picture turned out to be light, graceful, but completely boneless compared to the first two films. Sympathy's main character, Kem-Ja Lee, is released from prison after 13 years to bring her brilliant revenge plan to life. In the end, she succeeds. Only at what cost ...
After watching this film, I realized that a full-fledged 'revenge trilogy' is not working well. 'Mistress' is very close to the problematics of the first film, and 'Oldboy' for Chang-wok is too independent to be just 'one of'. Therefore, it would be more logical to talk about the dilogy of 'Mistress' and 'Mister Revenge'. The two films have a lot in common. The main idea - 'If you return the child to the parents - it is for the good, if not - for the evil ...'. The only thing that distinguishes 'Madame' from the first picture is the general incompleteness. I think everyone will understand the ending in their own way.
Well, from the technical point of view, there are no complaints. Everything is very even on the level. A beating style, brutal scenes with classical music, wonderful actors ... Everything about the form is perfect. The content only disappointed a bit. Although, unlike the same Tarantino's 'Kill Bill', the film turned out to be more honest. There is a 'movie about a movie' without a special idea, there is an idea here. I have sinned too much ... I am not worthy of a child like you ... There is something in this that you believe.