After watching the film for the third time, after parsing all the scenes, I still decided to write a review of this mysterious picture. The plot easily fits into one sentence: the saxophonist killed his wife, for which he was sentenced to death. Everything else is the hero's feelings, motives, and suffering.
I will try to simply describe the way the material is presented, without going into detail. The main image is the highway to nowhere, which leads to the depths of the subconscious, to Fred's inner world. We see the highway as early as the opening credits, so the first part of the film is a memory, which is why there are inaccuracies in the narrative, Lynch shows us how the killer remembered what happened to him. Fred sits on death row, reliving his life, the tapes are painful memories, things he would like to forget but can't.
The next time the highway appears is during a nightmare. Note the double solid line, this section of highway takes us deeper, now we are seeing a dream and not just a memory. The house burning backwards - the desire to turn back time, to correct a fatal mistake.
The highway takes us further into the depths of the subconscious. It is interesting to see what Fred's personality consists of. On the floor there's trash, little things that don't play a significant role in his life, in the center there's a sofa, that's his Ego, in the corner there's a little black arm-chair, Fred's first love, on the right there's a big red arm-chair, Rene, the love of his life, and of course the Mystery Man, Ono, passion, lust and secret desires.
The highway brings us back, and we see a continuation of the dream. Fred, with the help of the Mysterious Man, kills Dick Lorant. So who is he that Fred wants him dead so badly? Dick Lorant is the Super-Self, the conscience, the guilt that has made Fred's last days a living hell.
The last time we see the highway is during the closing credits, Fred wakes up from a nightmare. So why did Lynch use a circular composition? The action of the film will be repeated more than once. Fred sits in his cell, reminiscing about his life, at night he has a nightmare from which he wakes up and the next day history repeats itself. All day long he struggles with Dick Lorant, with guilt, and this will continue until his execution.
There is a lot to write about this movie, every frame has a hint, if you look closely, every scene has a hidden meaning. After reading this review I advise everyone to review (or watch for the first time) Highway to Nowhere, I think you will discover a lot of new things in this complex film.