It's been a long time since there's been a movie so powerfully tear-jerking.
And the creators decided to use a fail-safe means - cruelty to animals.
And they deliberately chose the most cute and cute brothers of our lesser brethren: a rabbit, a walrus (yes, there's a reference to the thrashy horror movie "Tusk"), an otter and, of course, a raccoon.
Such "Niagara Falls" have not come out of me yet.....
The rock soundtrack from the director's youth was, as always, a cool feature of the movie series. Although, for my musical taste, the tracks could have been chosen better.
The special effects are on the level. However, I did not see anything straight "wow". Although, the moment with the landing of multicolored astronauts on the bio-ship was a bit dizzying.
In general, biocybernetic aesthetics became a real decoration of the movie. And, personally, it reminded me of the cult live-action spaceship LEXX! (By the way, we're waiting for the full-length movie).
The "cherry on the cake", as usual, was James Gunn's humor! The only thing is, I would have liked more "real" raccoon. Where did the famous sparkling vulgar jokes of "Star Lord" performed by Rocket go?!