"Santa Claus: The Movie" is an exciting Christmas movie that tells the fascinating story of how an ordinary man named Doodley accidentally finds himself at the center of the magical universe of the North Pole. After meeting Santa Claus himself, he finds himself on an amazing adventure that reveals to him the secrets of Christmas.
Santa tells Doodley and the audience the story of his life and how he became the man we know him to be today. From creating toys to flying a sleigh with reindeer, the movie immerses us in the magical world of the North Pole. However, when an ambitious businessman appears on the horizon, jeopardizing the very meaning of Christmas, Santa and Doodley join forces to protect tradition and the importance of the true spirit of the holiday.
With stunning visuals and touching music, "Santa Claus: The Movie" reminds us all of the importance of the faith, kindness and warmth that Christmas brings.