"Rolling Thunder" is a tense and atmospheric thriller that explores the psychological toll of war and the human capacity for resilience. Directed by John Flynn and presented in stunning 4K resolution, the film follows the harrowing journey of Major Charles Rane, portrayed with haunting intensity by William Devane. As Rane struggles to readjust to civilian life after enduring unspeakable horrors in a POW camp, he finds himself caught in a downward spiral of violence and despair. Tommy Lee Jones delivers a riveting performance as Johnny Vohden, a fellow war veteran who becomes Rane's ally in his quest for justice. Together, they navigate a world of corruption and betrayal, confronting their inner demons as they seek redemption in a society that has forsaken them. With its gripping narrative, atmospheric cinematography, and poignant themes, "Rolling Thunder" is a timeless masterpiece that leaves a lasting impact on audiences.