Immaculate (2024) tells the story of a young woman named Emma who comes to a secluded monastery to deal with her personal tragedies and find inner peace. But instead of peace, she discovers that the place holds eerie secrets. From the very beginning, Emma is surrounded by strange occurrences: mysterious sounds, disappearing objects and wary glances of the nuns. Each night in the convent turns into an ordeal filled with nightmares and fears. The deeper she delves into the history of the convent, the more she realizes that the past of this place is connected to her own memories and painful experiences. The director skillfully uses elements of horror and psychological thriller to create a tense and atmospheric picture where every moment is full of fear and mystery. "Immaculate" is a movie about the struggle with inner demons and the search for truth in a world where reality and illusion are intertwined in the most eerie way.