“Just Mercy” is a movie based on the true story of a black lawyer, Bryan Stevenson. This man dedicated himself to fighting the judicial and penitentiary system for equal rights and opportunities for African Americans, especially - sentenced to death.
The main character, played by Michael B. Jordan, is a desperate inspirational locomotive pulling the stories of the wrongfully convicted Walter McMillan (Jamie Foxx) and Herbert Richardson (Rob Morgan). He is aided by Eva Ansley (Brie Larson), a white activist who, like her boss, does everything to protect those in trouble.
“Just Mercy” is a strong hard-hitting story about prejudice against African Americans and cruel and merciless racism. When such ideology is driven by power, it relegates justice to some 145th place. There seems to be no way to get it back. There comes hopelessness - “the enemy of justice”: the whole world rises up against you and it is not clear whether help will come. But as long as there are people like Bryan Stevenson and Eva Ansley in whom people find caring, support along the way and a genuine belief in humanity, we can hope that the world will change for the better.