Continuation of popular fantastic franchise "Divergent". A movie that is designed for a teenage audience. The anti-utopian action received an excellent cast. Venerable celebrities such as Jeff Daniels and Naomi Watts diluted the young acting group. Intriguing storyline, cognitive tricks and modern visual effects made Allegiant 4k a worthy representative of the genre. While watching, the audience will get everything for which they loved this dystopian saga. Growing emotional tension from the first minutes to the last frame will not let the viewers leave. New charismatic characters will be added to the old heroes. Dolby Atmos audio and a live picture of HDR10 is in this film release. It means that pleasure is guaranteed for two hours... Will the protagonists finally get their freedom and destroy the dictatorship regime? Is it possible to build love and find true friendship in such a dystopian environment? The answers to all these questions and many others can be obtained by watching the mystical action.