A song that takes away the good old days. I am madly in love with films of this genre, they allow you to travel far, feel the taste of life and look at those around you with new eyes.
The film is about the touching friendship of the main characters, and this is, in my opinion, the main thing in this picture. This is the main theme, thought, stretching from the first part. It was incredibly interesting for me to watch how the heroes find themselves in each other and how their friendship goes through various turns of life. It's amazing how in the first part, Schmidt got so carried away by work that he forgot that he was a cop. Isn't everyone's dream, to return to their youth, to do something differently, to relive this magical period again? This is exactly what Schmidt does, and with him the viewer. In the second part, Jenko is forgotten, but the heroes do not stupidly switch places, no, Jenko finds a new friend, rethinks his place in life. And again, the heroes again deceive the very time and fate and find themselves in wonderful times of youth and frenzy, the King of the Parties would be envious.
And of course the humor is great. In the new part, the ending sags, perhaps because a new part was not planned and the team went all out. Nevertheless, from comedies in recent years, it is difficult to remember anything worthy of something that reaches out to Jump Street.