In childhood, everyone had their own toys, someone had cars, someone had dolls, and someone had something transcendent, something that beats out of the frame of reason, that toy that can bring a sea of pain, grief and tears, sprinkling the ground blood. And if you hear the sound of a chainsaw, run while you still have the opportunity
Whoever liked the previous parts of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre should also like this one, though if you initially look at it as the purest prologue to the formation of a given personality, rewriting many moments associated with his development, and delving into not only his character and intentions, because we were originally let on the wrong track in relation to the future maniac, and in that gang that escaped from a psychiatric hospital. It is saturated from head to toe with classic presentation and country antics, conversations and lusts, which is quite acceptable for those whose heads have just as much intelligence as they put it in the third grade, and if it were not for that retro style of production, that pop-up cruelty splashing out liters of blood on the audience, all this would just come to naught, but I note - the narrative is pretty smooth and interesting. We are immersed in the environment in which an insane personality is capable of being born, we take small steps to the very peak of his greatness, and this culmination is assigned to the very end, so if you are only interested in him as a bloody slasher with only one killer, then there may be a bobble, but if the narrative itself is interesting, the inception, to a greater extent inhabiting the plot moves with elements of horror and undoubtedly a bloody orgy, not from one person, then the film will come in handy. You can't call him superfluous in the series, he is inclined to worm in the ranks of old films, this is his zest, and if you continue, then from the finale of this part, the new family really liked, especially with the participation of actress Lily Taylor, who deserves to receive the award 'Mom of the year'