"Jam" is a delightful continuation of the combination of animation and feature films in the tradition of "Parallel World" and "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", that is, actors and cartoons exist together on the screen, creating a single picture.
Michael Jordan had to repeat the same feints and movements on the basketball court many times, as well as repeat his lines, since at that moment he was absolutely alone in the frame, and rivals and other cartoon characters appeared already in the processed picture. So Michael had to demonstrate remarkable acting talent, playing almost all the scenes alone. And, it should be noted that he did it great!
Thanks to this synthesis of a cartoon and a film, the impressions are simply fantastic! Also, I would like to separately note the translation and the work of the actors who created the dubbing for us. After all, one should not forget that in 1996 it was absolutely normal for everyone to transfer a person with a "clothespin" on his nose. Therefore, it was very pleasant to hear a high-quality translation, and this only improved the already strong impression of this picture.
Summing up, I will say that "Space Jam" is a wonderful picture for the whole family. This creation will be very interesting for children, especially those who are fond of basketball and love Looney Tunes. And, of course, for adults in which the child still lives.