Animation masterpiece from Pixar created in 2016. Finding Dory 4K Ultra HD is a heartwarming family story made in adventure & comedy genre. The main cartoon character is a small fish named Dory. The blue-yellow creature has an interesting sea life. Dory has a favorite job at the marine hospital and a family that loves her. But one day, Dory's life changes. In an accident, a fish loses its memory. Dory can't remember where she lives and who her parents are. But the protagonist doesn't get discouraged and starts looking for her past life. To get her previous life back, Dory has to overcome a lot of trials, be in funny situations and get to meet different sea inhabitants. Some will become her friends and help the cute fish, and some will try to hurt Dori or even eat her. Aspiration, optimistic spirit and persistence will help the main character to get back what she lost. The cartoon has received tons of positive reviews and record box office returns, which amounted to more than a billion dollars.