That's a 1988 US film about a Russian tank crew in Afghanistan losing its way in as narrow canyon and being ambushed by Mujaheddin. It has a fairly complex story and shows both sides of the conflict. This film takes the basic idea and paints it black and white, good Emirati soldiers and evil Huthis, who are however fighting in their own land.
The war in Yemen is part of the conflict between Sunni Saudis and Shia Iran, with both sides trying to make coexistence impossible, but this film doesn't give you any information about that. There is no explanation who the Huthi are, and the film equates them with Daesh although they are enemies. It's another hack job for Pierre Morel who has been a hired gun for brainless action drivels ever since his success with "Taken".
Yemen has long been the battleground for the world's dirtiest and most ignored war and would deserve a serious effort to portray its tragedy.