The Chronicles of Riddick. Fiction as it should be. Competently balanced. With a beautiful picture, a dynamic plot, a hero with a bright charisma, and a lot of nice little things, including the cutest prison dogs (you just want to pet them).
“I hope you're not afraid of the dark, the light cuts into my eyes.”
Richard B. Riddick. The kind of hero, albeit a negative one, that is nice to see. Furyan unseeing in the light, calculating, brave, recognizing no one but himself. Nothing interesting, but in the performance of Vin Diesel, Riddick acquires an incredible charm and charm. Humor - his separate trait, constant ridicule such as “ - It was my best warrior (Marshall). - I didn't expect (Riddick)”, all his jokes are banal, but funny.
I can't help but notice Thandie Newton, oh, she's so good. Graceful cat, dressed in a corset dazzling beauty, eh me would be such a Nikromunger, but not fate.
“The beast does not attack the beast.”
Pathos, the highest boiling point of human understanding, but pathos is rarely not disgusting. Literate in structure, and gorgeous in conception and payoff tale that is not lazy to revisit many times. The movie left from the first part so much that overshadows it by 200%, and this is a rare indicator of the genre.
Diesel once said he wants to make another movie, like he's seen the story in 3 parts. I hope to wait for that eventuality. In the meantime, I will admire this magnificent work called “The Chronicles of Riddick”.