Classic teen slasher, the first of a large series of Halloween horror stories. The Halloween UHD thriller was created by a master of this genre, John Carpenter, who in 1978 became a director, writer and one of the producers of this movie masterpiece. The terrible story begins with the fact that a six-year-old kid from a small American town brutally kills his sister, whom little Mike Myers caught in the arms of her boyfriend. Doctors refer a mentally ill baby to a special clinic for compulsory treatment. Years go by, Mike in a psychiatric hospital from a small child turns into a strong man who for 15 years has not said a single word. After waiting for the right time, on the eve of Halloween, the sick killer makes an escape from the hospital and decides to head to his hometown. A series of brutal murders from a masked man begins in the quiet town of Haddonfield. Neither Mike's doctor nor the police are able to stop the serial maniac who kills his victims with a large knife. Maybe a young girl can do this?