In a cozy town on the outskirts of Connecticut, a young mother is forced to raise her little son alone. After the sudden death of her husband, the girl could not return to a normal life for a long time. She even thought about suicide. Stephanie sought solace on the Internet, where she talked to women in similar situations. The girl started running a personal blog where she discussed single mothers' problems every day. One day, a glamorous neighbor knocked on the door of her house and asked to get her son out of school. The main character of the film "A Simple Favor 4k" gladly agreed, hoping that it will help her get a good friend. After all, her neighbor is a successful woman who has made a career as a model. But Stephanie's hopes for a strong friendship with her neighbor fall apart because of the unexpected actions of Emily. She runs away without telling anyone about her plans. First, the single mother tries to stay away from her upset husband, who can not believe that his wife is missing. But soon Stephanie gets everything she's wanted...