Adventure drama The Hunt for Red October 2160p was created by John McTiernan in 1990, just during the collapse of the Soviet Union. To participate in its political thriller, director invited the legendary Scottish actor Sean Connery, who ingeniously transferred to the screens the image of Marco Remius, the Lithuanian captain of the newest Soviet submarine. In the epicenter of the story line is a submarine with Soviet sailors on board, which by the way perfectly played Sean Connery and Sam Neal, the only thing that gives a little of their English-speaking essence is their accent. The magnificent play of actors in an enclosed space was the main reason for the success of the film. Also, music and Soviet songs with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio add dynamism to this adventure thriller. With Dolby Vision + HDR10 and stunning visual effects, the submarines seem incredibly real, and spy games of Soviet and American heroes will plunge spectators into the Cold War era between the two mighty superpowers.