Another brilliant animated creation from Pixar. Unusual plot, bright characters and high-quality animation are the main components of the success of this cartoon. The main character in Inside Out 4k hdr is a schoolgirl Riley. The girl is eleven years old, she leads a very ordinary life. Riley goes to school every day, communicating with friends and parents. But soon the life of the little protagonist should change. She and her parents will move to another city. From their cozy town the family will go to a noisy metropolis. Meanwhile, there's a lot of activity going on in the girl's head. Different emotions that live inside the girl help her to live the changes in her life... Pete Docter had a huge budget while working on this project. Nearly two hundred million dollars were spent on Inside Out 4k hdr. But the box office fees confidently covered all expenses and brought huge profits. Almost nine hundred million dollars were cash charges around the world. The deep sound of Dolby Atmos and the HDR10 picture make this cartoon release a piece of animation art.