The main characters in this animated story are monsters that scare children. Yay, Sally and Mike are back! Now they are successfully working for the Monster Corporation. But, it' s not always been like that. Monsters University 4k blu-ray will show their youth. When Mike was a teenager, he entered a monster university. Turns out, scaring kids isn't as easy as it looks. It's especially hard if you're scared of kids yourself. Mike stubbornly pursued his cherished goal, he did everything he could to get that coveted pass. During his studies, Mike had to live in a college dorm, where his roommate was Sally. Mike didn't like the big guy at first, because they were so different, it was hard to make a friendship. But, after several parties, and joint difficult tasks, the main characters realized that together they are a great team. They had common things, common interests, and monsters realized that they had already become good friends, and could not live without each other. So, a real friendship begins!
Watch the first part of the cartoon monsters inc 4k.