This documentary is a collection of stories about amazing nature. TimeScapes 2160p shows the untouched environment of the USA. The breathtaking scenery and landscapes that Tom Lowe has filmed captivate viewers with majestic tranquility. The director of this film has spent more than two years traveling around America with a video camera to bring all the natural beauty together. The film uses slow motion, which conveys all the majesty of Earth and shows the unnecessary fussiness of the inhabitants of our planet. This cinematic technique has deepened the documentary and given it a philosophical tone. Also, TimeScapes 2160p has an excellent relaxing effect. After all, such natural beauty purifies thoughts and promotes pacification. There's nothing better for relaxing after a hard day than watching this beautiful movie with family. Tom Lowe's painstaking work has been a success. The movie was praised at a prestigious film festival and took an honorable place among the best documentary films of the twenty-first century.