The comedy film "Kick-Ass" in 2160p shows that ordinary guys and their dreams can come true. A simple guy was in high school, but always wanted to be looked at as if on the players of a football team. He wanted to prove to everyone that he could do something useful and valuable. When friends gathered in a cafe, he told them about his idea of becoming a superhero, but they took it as a joke. Then it all started, the curly-haired guy put on a green suit and went out, while protecting the citizens of his city. The first thing he encountered was simple robbers, they began to laugh from him, but after a while they ran away. The guy realized that his action is gaining popularity and decides not to stop there. The guys thought and decided to help the young hero, together with three friends they began to clean up the city, but this greatly angered the local mafia. Then the bandits decided to teach the guys and the whole city a lesson, killing them in public. The guys fight and just enjoy it, and the bandits no longer walk the streets in search of their victim.