Hidden Figures 4K UHD is a story about three black American women. The film is based on events that actually took place in the sixties in the United States. It was a time of cold war between two superpowers. The USSR and the United States were competing in all spheres, especially space rivalry was popular then. In order to keep up with their enemies, who had considerable success in space engineering, the U.S. government decided to fly into space at any cost. The flight must take place with one astronaut and last for several hours. The best specialists are needed to organize this process. They are three female mathematicians. They are the ones who must do all the calculations for John Glenn's space journey to be successful. Since the women are black, their participation in the project is not advertised and classified. Even after the flight was a success and the astronaut returned alive, no one found out who actually created this triumph. Only many years later, when the racial prejudices subsided, people recognized the names of the heroes.