The protagonist of the animation "Batman Gotham by Gaslight 4K Ultra HD" goes on a long journey across Europe. In one of the cities of his journey Bruce Wayne takes several lessons from the famous doctor and psychoanalyst. He helps the hero to cope with his anxieties. After the help of the famous doctor, Bruce returns to his hometown. At home, the cartoon superhero learns that there is a lot of crime in Gotham and that ordinary people need his help. The police report to Bruce that a bloodthirsty maniac has appeared in the city during his trip. After some time, there are more and more murders. People, especially women, are already afraid to go outside and the city is in panic. Superhero dressed as a bat decides to give up all his powers to catch the criminal. But instead of getting thanks, the protagonist finds himself in jail. Because the locals and the police captain begin to suspect Batman of committing murder. Will the superhero be able to prove his innocence and find the real culprit?