The story is about a group of cadets who are the offspring of military men whose positions are not in the last ranks of the command.
Weasels. The guy at first glance is a simple rebel. Doesn't take orders. is in his own mind. and does not get along well with the command. The only relative who's ever heard of the guy is his brother. Died on the battlefield. And his mother was a worthless person who had stopped being human and was just a soldier.
Culler. A girl who is very dear to affection. A girl who sacrificed herself. for the lives of the other members of her team. an excellent sniper, a great fighter. And just - a very good friend.
Chiv. Something like a super soldier. A soldier who didn't leave a handful of child survivors to die, but led them to the point of salvation. A character who showed up at the right time and in the right place.
The series isn't that much of a multi-part series, but it's gripping. The timing helps to keep you from getting confused and falling asleep on the narrative.
For me, someone who is not familiar with the original, it was a pleasure to watch. You get ready for a lot of chatter, but then it's an attention-grabbing experience throughout the series.