The plot for the action movie Legend of the Eight Samurai 4K Ultra HD is based on an ancient Japanese legend, which almost faithfully embodied the scriptwriter & director Kinji Fukasaku. Magnetizing charm of this film is not in the banal plot, the meaning of which can be fit into one sentence, but in the magnificent production and large-scale scenes martial arts. Japanese national costumes, bright scenery and all the oriental flavor of the audience will not miss with HDR10 video. Kinji Fukasaku has given a special place in his film to horse chases and mass battles with traditional weapons of Japanese samurai that fill the second half of the film Legend of the Eight Samurai 4K Ultra HD. Maybe somebody, the action movie will seem naive and like a child's fairy tale, but it's not quite true. The director with the help of simple techniques clearly conveyed the main essence of the Japanese mentality, boundless devotion and selflessness, which in our time are very rarely met. Feel the true Japan!
Watch this movie crash 1996 bluray.