This is the story of the adventures of a cute little bear who recently arrived in England from the troubled South American forests. When Paddington found himself among people, he got a happy life in a family that loves him as much as their own children. The bear gives smiles, good spirits and marmalade to everyone he meets in his life's journey. Thanks to his cheerfulness, Paddington has become a favourite of the county. And here Paddington starts looking for the perfect gift for his aunt. Paddington walks into an antique store and finds a wonderful book. But he doesn't have enough money for this gift. Paddington gets a job and works hard to please aunt. But the book goes missing, it was taken by unknown criminals. The cute bear is not going to give up and starts looking for insidious robbers. Brown family won't leave him alone with the case and help catch the criminals... Paddington 2 UHD is a funny and kind story for family viewing with kids. But adults will also laugh to the stomach cramps. So sit back in front of the screens and enjoy!