Unsane UHD tells the story of young girl named Sawyer Valentini. She is haunted by an unknown maniac who tries to show to the girl in dirty ways that he has romantic feelings for her. The stranger sends numerous messages, follows the girl all the time and infiltrates into her apartment when Sawyer is not at home. The girl regularly has to change her place of residence, car and even her own name because of this. But even this does not help for a long time, the maniac finds the girl again and again. One day Sawyer decides to go to a hospital where they support victims of persecution. The girl is sure that communication with specialists will be helpful, but everything turns against her. Doctors believe that the girl has strange behavior and the main heroine is forcibly closed in the mental hospital. Orderlies assure her that this maniac is just a fiction, no more no less. The girl has to take many medications every day. That makes her lose mind and agrees with the doctors. However, a new corpsman appears in the clinic, who looks like that maniac...
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